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Hawking Technologies HWU54D Hi-Gain Wireless-G USB Adapter 1.146.705.2004

Hawking Technologies HWU54D Hi-Gain Wireless-G USB Adapter 1.146.705.2004

Hawking Technologies HWU54D Hi-Gain Wireless-G USB Adapter Publisher's Description

Hawking Technologies HWU54D Hi-Gain Wireless-G USB Adapter: Hawking Technology's HWU54D, 2.4Ghz Hi-Gain Directional Wireless-G USB 2.0 Network Adapter, combines the range performance benefits of a Hi-Gain Antenna, the versatility of a USB Wireless Network Adapter and the speed of 802.11g wireless networking! A large problem with many wireless networks is the poor coverage area of standard Wireless networks.

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